18 Apr 2017
Pedido de Ajuda
A Companhia está em um Sultanato, onde eles chegaram depois de cruzarem um tanto do Deserto pelas rotas comerciais do Caminho de Ouro e Seda, e enquanto estão parados em um Caravanserai, eles ouvem histórias sobre o dilema do Fiel Henry (ou Heny de Ferro), mas pelo seu nome local, Hassam, nos mais diferentes locais. Quando (e se) eles questionarem as pessoas ao redor, elas contarão a história de como o Sultão Hashid foi transformado em sapo por um bruxo do deserto e mandado para uma terra longínqua por um terrível abutre. Mas recentemente, o Fiel Hassam descobriu que seu senhor foi liberto de sua maldição em uma terra distante e o trouxe com a princesa que o libertou.
Recentemente, entretanto, o Fiel Hassam tem sido visto novamente entristecido, e segundo se diz, devido ao fato de seu coração ter sido novamente preso por Tiras de Aço, às quais ele pediu para que fossem colocado por um dos Jann do deserto, para que seu coração não explodisse de tristeza e desolação.
Alguns dizem que isso ocorreu por ele ter se enamorado por uma criminosa conhecida como A Dama Ladra do Deserto. Ela tem a cabeça posta a prêmio pelo Vizir Hamad como uma ladra e assassina, após várias caravanas terem sido atacadas.
Se eles procurarem Hassam, ele contará sua história e mostrará que em seu peito é possível ver três listras na altura do peito onde deve estar seu coração: muito provavelmente são as três tiras de aço que o Jann colocou ao redor de seu coração. Ele aparenta ser frio, mas certamente isso se deve às tiras de aço.
“Eu sempre fui fiel a meu senhor, mas ele não me dá ouvidos! Eu não acredito que ela seja uma assassina como dizem! Apenas não abandonei meu posto como serviçal do meu Sultão pela lealdade que tenho ao mesmo… Mas tive que novamente prender meu coração pela minha tristeza. Será que estou destinado a sempre manter meu coração preso por tiras de aço? O que fiz aos Deuses para merecer tamanha infelicidade?”, ele dirá
- Problema: O Fiel Hassam está dividido entre a felicidade e o dever, pois sua amada é acusada de ladra e assassina pelo Sultão
- Solução: Descobrir a verdade e tentar convencer o Sultão a desfazer a ordem de morte sob a Dama Ladra e trazer os dois um para o outro
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18 Apr 2017
Request for Aid
The Company is at a Caravansarai, a kind of inn and meeting point for Caravans that crosses the Desert through the commercial routes of Gold and Silk Road, where they hear stories about the dilemma of Faithful Henry (or Iron Henry), but by the his real name, Hassam (in the West he assumed the name Henry when served as steward for some dukes) all around. When (and if) they asks the caravan-men, they will tell the story of how the Sultan Al-Hashid was turned into a frog by a wicked desert wizard and sent to a land far away by a terrible vulture. But recently, Faithful Hassam discovered that his master was released from his curse in a distant land and brought him back, with the foreigner princess who freed him.
Recently, however, Faithful Hassam had grown sully again, and it’s said that this is due the fact that his heart was again put into Steel Bands, which he asked to be placed by one of the Jann of the desert, so his heart would not burst with sorrow and desolation.
Some say this was because he fell in love with the criminal known as The Desert Lady-Thief. She had her head put under a price by the Sultan Vizier, Hamad, as a thief and murderer after several caravans were alleged attacked by her.
If they look for Hassam, he will tell his story and show his chest: everyone can see three stripes at the chest where his heart is: very likely those stripes are the three steel bands that the Jann placed to hold his heart whole. He appears to be cold, but certainly this is due of the steel bands.
“I have always been faithful to my master, but he does not listen to me on this case! I don’t believe she is a murderer as they say! I just didn’t left my station as my Sultan’s steward for the loyalty I have to him… But I had bound my heart again by steel bands to not burst in sorrow! What had I done to the Gods to deserve such unhappiness?” he says
- Problem: Faithful Hassam is torn between happiness and duty, because his other half was branded as a thief and murderer by the Sultan;
- Solution: Discover the truth behind all this and try to convince the Sultan to lift the death penalty, so they two could have their Happy Ending
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17 Apr 2017
Scene 1 - The Rabbitman
New York, March 1911. Easter is comming, and the children of Madam Sheridan’s orphan’s house and boarding school are excited with the Chocolate Egg Hunt that is sponsored and organized by the good men and women of The Century Club, to bring a little happiness and hope for the youth and poor in the Clinton Neighborhood.
As a plus, new sweets are launched every year. This year the new wave is the March Hare Chocolate Eggs, which, albeit cheap, is delicious. In fact, many can’t stop eating this.
However, one news shocked the city: one of the rare Faberge Eggs, made by the Fabergé Family, goldsmiths that works for the Russian Tsars, was recently stolen when put at display at the Smithsorian Museum! No one knows who stole it, even more considering the intense vigilance which the Egg was under! The New York Police are baffled, even more that all clues points to something that is not human!
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