Jiminy Cricket


Concept: Genetically Modified Runaway “Kid”-to-be-turned weapon
Motivation: “I’ll fight for justice and discover my past!”
Inner Strenght: “They’ll not take me back to that lab!”
Core Values: Childish naïve sense of justice
Flaw Brilliant Mind with fuzzy, incomplete, unreliable memories
Complication: Disability (Child - 8-year)
Complication: Weakness: Information Dependancy


Superb (+5) Knowledge Technology      
Great (+4) Will Rapport Resources    
Good (+3) Investigate Notice Empathy    
Fair (+2) Treatment Provoke Vehicles    
Average (+1) Athletics Leadership Physique Stealth Thief


  • Empathic Read (p 72)
  • Attention to Details (p72)
  • Smooth Over (p 76)
  • Master Inventor (p 77)
  • Iron Will (p 78)
  • Power of Deduction (FC 113)
  • Eavesdropper (FC 113)
  • I’ve Read about That! (FC 115) - Using Knowledge
  • Power mind: Uses Knowledge to control all his Project Name: Jiminy Cricket’s Powers. Don’t apply for Powers from any other Power Set, even being similar

Power Set - Project Name: Jiminy Cricket

  • Boost (2)
    • Multi-Targeting (2)
    • Sense Reliant: Hearing (-1)
  • Emotion Control (2)
    • Restricted: Only Good Feelings (-1)
  • Extraordinary Intellect (1)
  • Hyper-Senses
    • Analytical Senses (1)
    • Awareness (1)
    • Full Vision (1)
  • Interface (1)
  • Postcognition (1)
  • Precognition (1)


The first memory Jiminy can talk about is from the lab:

The smell of bleach and almost blinding white.

The kindergarden-like room.

All the computers and things he was put in front, to learn, and absorb like a spounge, all the knowledge.

He never knew why he was there, even where is his parents (considering he had ones, because he can’t remember). He could not remember about his birthday and so on.

All he could say is: he were be “grown” to be a weapon. The kind of, he never knew.

In his heart, somehow, there was a rebel flame, saying him: “GET OUT FROM THIS HELL!!!”

He had the chance when a power surge disabled his “cradle” (as his captors called the room where he always stayed). He just catch the first clothes he could and ran away. Curiously, he discovered why those clothes where the kind it was: he was codenamed by his captors Jiminy Cricket, from Pinocchio’s fame. The dossier he took with him said his powers were to be used to help troops at war fronts by coordinating his moves and to weaken the enemies’ will by “calling to their heart”.

Jiminy choose to take this as name (or at least as nickname) and to use his powers to (first) make a living somewhat, (second) fight for peace and (third) discover about his own past.

Jiminy is nowadays living into places he locates anonymously, doing some jobs to provide him money (normally working as IT consultant, but just online) and helps him to feed himself with information, which he desesperatly take on any form. He still uses just childish clothes, as his body looks like locked into an “always infant” mode. He normally dresses as Disney’s Jiminy Cricket. He is very smart, educated and philosophical, but many times he gets itself into tantrums, as he’s not totally grown-up emotionally.

He uses Jiminy Cricket as name for two reasons: (1) he don’t remember his real name (if he had one) and (2) ironically this is a very common nickname at Internet, which make him somewhat difficult to be found.


Leanna Kinsdale

  • Jiminy Secret’s Guardian
  • Investigative Journalist
  • Motherly Feelings to Jiminy

Came into contact with Jiminy after some investigations and discovered his secret, and now is almost a mother to him, for the good or the ill. Jiminy somewhat works for her, filtering and discovering data for her


  • Online contact for Jiminy
  • Secret: former black-ops Artificial Intelligence

Jiminy discovered Miko online while investigating for his past, when she “ran away” from their creators. Even Jiminy don’t know, but Miko is an AI, although she has profiles everywhere in the net.

Project Name: Tinkerbell

  • Genetically Modified Magic Girl with Butterfly Wings
  • Can’t speak (just chirps) with those she doesn’t know
  • Somewhat infatuated for Jiminy
  • “I can hide very easily… Just go small”

Part of other experiments from the same group, she had magical powers implanted into her. She ran away in the same event of Jiminy. She can’t speak with people she’s not acquintance. She likes Jiminy into more ways he thinks

Mother Goose

  • Commander of the Toybox
  • Crazy Cientist
  • Knows more about Jiminy’s past than shows
  • “Why we do what we do? Because it’s fun and we can!”

The secretive commander of the Toybox, a crazy kaballah of scientist that develops theories that warps science and mystics, mingling them together, no know knows exactly what she wants. However, fact is, whatever she wants, she wants BADLY, and there’s no limits on the resources and means she’ll deploy for obtaining what she wants.

Tor Lyundberg

  • Norse detective and IT Specialist from the International Criminal Court
  • Superhuman Specialist
  • Jiminy Cricket’s Jiminy Cricket
  • Devil’s Luck

Tor is an IT Specialist and Detective for ICC at Hague. Before this, was a national investigator at Norway. He survived lots of encounters with superhumans and the lot, and discovered Jiminy when investigating some money laundry schemes that Jiminy was also investigating. He works as a mentor and, ironically, conscience voice for Jiminy when he goes overboard. He also works with some superhumans teams linked with the ICC.


  • Magic, Science… in the end is all the same thing
  • We held power since ever… Only the common bumpkin fools don’t know
  • Limits? Limits are for the bumpkin.

An organization that exists since the Humanity Dawn (or they think so), the Toybox is a crazy kaballah of scientists of all kinds, mystics, and henchmen that only exist for power. They recurs on everything to achieve power: magic, science, money, scheming, assassination… There’s no limits for them. They are very progressive into technology and so, but they are very conservative in structure, and even into terminology: from the footmen to Mother Goose, they speak like they came out from fairy tales or Aesop’s Fables


  • The Real Force behind Toybox
  • “I let Mother Goose do what she wants… It’s very interesting.”
  • Power is boredom…
  • Cat-and-mouse player

The enigmatic real main force into Toybox, this man (or woman, or whatever) doesn’t want power for domination or destruction or everything. He just wants power because reasons. He’s almost as crazy as Mother Goose, but there’s method into his madness. No one knows who he really is, but looks like he’s a shapeshifter, although he have the same big, crooked nose and wrinked-skinned fingers into any of his form. Some says that he’s a superb shapeshifter, but he likes to play cat-and-mouse with those he wants to scare or harm, so the crooked nose and wrinked fingers were deliberated maintained as this when he wants.

Peregrina Vento Silencioso


Avatar (Conceito) A Mais Leve e Sutil dos Peregrinos
Estandarte (Dificuldade) Uma presença silenciosa no mundo
Dragão Uma nova possibilidade?
  Leveza e discrição
  Excessivamente tímida
  A Confiança é tudo


Ágil: Bom (+3)
Cuidadoso: Razoável (+2)
Esperto: Regular (+1)
Estiloso: Medíocre (+0)
Poderoso: Regular (+1)
Sorrateiro: Razoável (+2)

Façanhas [Recarga: 3]

  • Como sou Mais Rápida que O Olho, recebo +2 para Criar Vantagens asendo Agil usando a minha agilidade para alcançar locais que outros não poderiam
  • Minha Presença Silenciosa me torna impossível de ser notada, recebendo +2 ao Defender-me sendo Sorrateira a qualquer tentativa de ser detectada enquanto invado um local

Vento Silencioso sempre foi uma peregrina muito rápida e ágil, sendo muitas vezes usada como mensageira para levar instruções adicionais entre o Templo e os Peregrinos. Por isso, acabou não desenvolvendo muito amizades com os demais peregrinos, sendo conhecida por sua timidez e silêncio.

Ela acabou desenvolvendo um “talento” especial para permanecer tão quieta quanto possível, até ao ponto de apagar sua presença na região.

Com isso, acabou tornando-se uma especialista em situações onde um Peregrino não precisa ou deve ser notado. Entretanto, isso também a impede de formar laços com os demais Peregrinos, pois muitos acabam nem sequer percebendo sua presença.

Peregrina Rastelo de Aço


Avatar (Conceito) Alguém que sabe como cultivar qualquer coisa
Estandarte (Dificuldade) Às vezes machuca quando deveria cultivar
Dragão Força e Gentileza
  Adepta do Crescimento
  Tudo tem sua hora
  Espera tornar-se alguém melhor, sempre


Ágil: Regular (+1)
Cuidadoso: Bom (+3)
Esperto: Regular (+1)
Estiloso: Razoável (+2)
Poderoso: Razoável (+2)
Sorrateiro: Medíocre (+0)

Façanhas [Recarga: 3]

  • Como carrego uma série de Sementes Alimenticias, recebo +2 ao Criar Vantagens de Maneira Cuidadosa usando sua magia para alimentar pessoas.
  • Como sei Muito sobre plantas, recebo +2 ao Criar Vantagens de maneira Cuidadosa para descobrir informações sobre qualquer planta que veja

Sempre dedicada às hortas e plantações do Templo, é muito raro ver a Peregrina Rastelo de Aço longe, pois embora esforçada normalmente lidava melhor com plantas do que com pessoas.

Entretanto, sempre que precisavam de algo relacionado com reduzir fome ou reconstruir florestas, suas habilidades de Peregrina e seus conhecimentos de plantas lhe era requisitado, e ela prontamente vai, pois ela se sente no dever de cultivar conhecimento do Templo nos Muitos Mundos, o que acaba fazendo com que a mesma ajude outros peregrinos.