30 Jul 2015
This character follow the Character Creation rules from Fate Core, including the specific things from Nest.
Living in a neighborhood of boys, Amanda Wesker needed to learn how to “survive” without turning “into one of the boys”. However, she was never a Girly girl: she was so mischievous than any of her friends, and also played baseball and soccer very well. And when it was needed, she could be better than any boy into somethings, like going into houses to get back the balls or get over into a tree to snatch some apples or other fruits.
Her secret is that she learned so much of this as the Sneakiest Lady-Thief from Epoch, a Heroine of Nest, where she learned all this things while recovering treasures from greedy dragons and nasty viziers, and having her little sect of followers. At the same time, she learned all the tricks of the court and so, being a well-mannered, if somewhat mischievous, courtesan.
As all the other Heroes of Nest, she grown up and somewhat left Nest behind, but for her Nest is a very vivid thing, as it still inspires her, her old-time dreams filling her with inspiration for her job as a faerie book illustrator, which she turned into after getting a major in Arts with minors in Education and Computing. She even works time after time with his childhood friend Matheus, that she knows have a crush on her. But she is waiting for him to give the first step and ask her for some engagement. She knows he was in Nest, as she illustrated his not published The Book of the Rabbitest Know-It-All Master, a pseudo-_memoir_ of his alter-ego in Nest.
And there’s a chapter about the Sneakiest Lady-Thief from Epoch there.
Kind |
Aspect |
Heroic Concept: |
Sneakiest Lady-Thief from Epoch |
Mundane Life: |
Tomboy turned faerie artist and illustrator |
Hook: |
Nest is as real as she can remember |
The difference between men and boys is the price of the toys |
“Matheus should give the first step!” |
Level |
Skill |
Skill |
Skill |
Skill |
Great (+4) |
Crafts |
Good (+3) |
Burglary |
Athletics |
Fair (+2) |
Deceive |
Notice |
Investigate |
Average (+1) |
Empathy |
Rapport |
Lore |
Will |
Stunts (not at start)
- Confusional Stance: As soon she can moves freely, she receives +2 into all Create Advantages actions with Athletics to put his enemies into a Confused stance
Talisman (to be recovered)
The Lady-Thief Scarf
A peace of very thin cloth that changes it’s color and stamps accordingly the possessor’s humor, The Lady-Thief Scarf is The Scarf that can snare the senses. The Scarf can be used as a way to do a lot of tricks for thiefing and hiding into shadows or other locations
- You receive +2 into all Burglary actions, and even if you fail, you can be Successful at a minor cost
- Once in a scene, by paying a Fate Point, choose a Skill. At any moment after this, as long as you can explain why, you can use Burglary instead of this skill at any kind of action, except Attack. You can’t change the skill after chosen, during that scene.
30 Jul 2015
This character follow the Character Creation rules from Fate Core,
including the specific things from
Matheus was a little, chubby, smarty, know-it-all kid. Being that
didn’t turned him cherished for the other kids, that bullied him. But
they didn’t know that in fact he was a Hero of Nest, the Rabbitest
Know-It-All Master of All Things from Bungledyne, that fighted for
the right with his knowledge, quick wit and flashy moves… So, he
escaped from reality in our reality via nerdy pastimes, like RPGs,
books and computers, at the same time he fought against Evil in
Bungledyne and all Nest.
But time had come and he needed to cope with all this. But for him, a
good time had come.
Internet and everything else had come to use for everyone. From the
nerdy guy that helped with the computer setup, he turned into a dotcom
developer and CEO, a visionaire compared (at least for those in his
neighborhood) with Mark Zuckenberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
Although he still don’t make the big cash the dot-com big kahunas
does, he had done well after finished out UCLA. He even employed some
guys from the old times, the bullies and jocks that thrashed him every
time. He don’t know why he even care for them when some of them came
without one or two legs back from Afghanisthan. Maybe he’s a
humanitary, or maybe he’s turning himself into the thing he most hate:
a bully, sometimes darkly smiling inside himself about the PTSD that
they suffer and the all the medicine they need now.
But he still sometimes relives his childhood dreams: not that he go
back to Nest. he knows that was a dream, although a lifesaver
one. But he still have the Book of the Rabbitest Know-It-All Master,
a pseudo-memoir he wrote with all his dreamy adventures. When the
pressure grows too much into him, he goes for that notebook, with a
sketch of a rabbity guy into flamboyant clothes, Alice in
Wonderland’s White Rabbit meets Pirates from Caribbean’s Jack
Sparrow, drawn by his best friend and secret crush Amanda Wesker, in
his cover, to remember the happier times, when confronting Evil was
easy and decisions were plain and black and white.
Heroic Concept: |
Rabbitest Know-It-All Master of All Things from Bungledyne |
Mundane Life: |
Bullied kid turned into dot-com developer and CEO |
Hook: |
“Someday I’ll publish the Book of the Rabbitest Know-It-All Master “ |
Secret Crush: Amanda Wesker, Neighbor and Best Friend |
“Am I turning myself into the thing I loathe the most?” |
Great (+4) |
Lore |
Good (+3) |
Rapport |
Will |
Fair (+2) |
Empathy |
Burglary |
Provoke |
Average (+1) |
Investigate |
Notice |
Crafts |
Stealth |
Stunts (not in start)
- Master of the Wit: +2 in all Rapport tests for Create
Advantage by showing his wit against his enemies
Talisman (to be recovered)
Book of All Mysteries
The Book of All Mysteries is a so big book that it floats somewhat
in front the possessor when being used and turn itself its pages,
being The Book that Comprises All Knowledge. The books looks
old and wrinkled, but he has infinite pages with everything anyone
could need to know, if he knows how to ask and how to use the
Book. Although being big, he shrinks itself when put back into pockets
or bags.
- When picking the Talisman, choose one into Lore, Rapport,
Provoke or Empathy. You can use this Skill for Mental Attacks
- When searching into the Book, you receive +2 in Lore for
Creating Advantages and even if you fail, you can be successful
at a minor cost
30 Jul 2015
Esse personagem segue as regras de Criação de Personagem de Fate Core, incluindo os detalhes específicos de Nest.
Um dos garotos asiáticos da vizinhança, Terrance sempre foi visto como um garoto nerd e como um ninja pelos demais. Não que isso fosse totalmente falso, já que ele era um Herói de Nest, o Monge Mestre do Pico Águia, uma cadeia de montanhas em Epoch onde ele “cresceu”, usando seus sonhos como uma maneira de “praticar” e obter excelência na linhagem de Kung-Fu Louva-a-Deus da sua família. Quando ele “saiu” de Nest, ele tornou-se um dos principais treinadores de Kung-Fu do mundo, sendo procurado até mesmo por lutadores de MMA e UFC.
Entretanto, em seu coração, ele é uma pessoa muito mais simples: gosta de comida simples, de seus animais (dois cachorros e um gato), e possui hobbies tranquilos, como jogar Go, cuidar de Bonsais e escrita Sumi-e (arte de caligrafia japonesa). E, dia após dia, ele fica cada vez mais melancólico, lembrando-se da época simples em Nest. Apenas com seus amigos mais próximos, como Amanda, Celine e outros, ele se abre e conversa sobre amenidades. Mas mesmo eles não ouviram você falar sobre Nest…
Tipo |
Aspecto |
Conceito Heróico: |
Monge Mestre do Pico Águia |
Vida Mundana: |
Dono de academia, instrutor e herdeiro de uma linhagem de Kung-Fu |
Gancho: |
Uma crescente melancolia afoga seu coração |
Simples passatempos para uma mente complexas |
“Amizade vale mais que ouro” |
Nível |
Perícia |
Perícia |
Perícia |
Perícia |
Ótimo (+4) |
Atletismo |
Bom (+3) |
Vontade |
Lutar |
Razoável (+2) |
Atirar |
Percepção |
Empatia |
Regular (+1) |
Enganar |
Comunicação |
Ofícios |
Conhecimento |
Façanhas (não disponíveis no começo da aventura) [Recarga: 3]
- Dobrar Elemento: Ao escolher essa Façanha, escolha um elemento e uma Ação: sempre que você fizer algo relacionado a esse elemento E Ação (o Narrador dirá se é possível), você recebe +2 no rolamento e mesmo em caso de falha você poderá ser bem-sucedido a um custo menor. Você pode pegar essa Façanha várias vezes, mas nunca para a mesma combinação de elemento e Ação.
Talismã (a recuperar)
O Robe do Mestre das Armas
Um robe feito de um tecido leve, ele pode parecer um simples robe de monge para um olho não treinado, mas na realidade ele é o Robe que Carrega em Si Todas as Armas. Disputado por vários Heróis de Nest durante todo o tempo, o Robe do Mestre das Armas é um robe que é valorizado pelo seu efeito de fornecer àquele que o veste qualquer arma necessária enquanto este o vestir.
- Você recebe +2 em todas as ações de Lutar, e mesmo quando falhar você poderá ser bem-sucedido a um custo menor.
- Uma vez por cena, faça um rolamento de Criar Vantagem por Lutar. Se bem sucedido, você pode colocar um Aspecto Fraqueza contra Arma em um alvo, com uma Invocação Gratuita. Você pode usar esse Aspecto enquanto estiver usando o Robe. Mesmo que falhe no teste, você ainda recebe um Impulso Ponto Fraco, como se tivesse empatado no teste.